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OCR: Process X Process Y Proxy to Pre-established Stub to Object A Object A >O- Object A 342 0 Proxy/Stub connection CLSID (42 bytes) Object B OlMarshal CLSID 129.23. 1.29:1522 Custom roxy to Pre-established object B Proxy/ Stub connection IMarshal @ Process X creates Object B as inprocess object to pass as [in] param to A @ Proxy A marshals pointer to B for transmission, asks for IMarshal Interface 3 Proxy A asks B size of connection establishment message via GetMarshalSizeMax Proxy A asks B for CLSID of proxy via GetUnmarshalClass and writes to header Proxy A asks B to write connection establishment message via Marshallnterface Proxy A sends marshaled state of B in method request packet to Stub A 7 Stub A receives request, reads CLSID from header to create proxy to Object B O Stub A Informs proxy to initialize/connect from message via Unmarshalinterface Stub A passes pointer to proxy B as an Input parameter to Object A Figure 6 Custom Marshaling